Saturday, February 12, 2011

Opening Night!

Last night was opening night for my school play "A Night at the Wax Museum." We actually didn't mess up too terribly... So let's just go over what I saw that happened...

  • I tripped on stage (Yes I was in heels!). It was okay-ish since I was being chased and it sort of looked real... I knew I hated those shoes for a reason! 
  • Someone stole my solo for one of the songs... the very same person I told that solo meant SOLO as in ALONE... Oh well. I yelled at him afterwards. Hey a girl has gotta stand up to those guys... well especially when they're bossy, two grades younger, much shorter, and tend to fart on stage.
  • The same person was in my way I was trying to get to the other side of stage to go on for the next scene. Well my dad made the set and I guess they didn't realize that in a black out, you can't see the stands of the set that happens to be on wheels... Well I tripped on that, and moved it just an inch or so, but thanks to the blackout, no one saw!
  • For the opening number, some of us start in the audience, well the late comers really can't see us and someone kicked me and someone else tripped over me and another girl was knocked into too (but it was her sister so it didn't count!)
  • I missed one of my lines, but so did everyone else that repeats the same word so it wasn't really my fault since I'm the last one to say it
  • I missed one of my lines, but it was an exit line that made absolutely no sense.
Now for something that almost scared me...
At the end of the opening number, everyone falls and then about four of us get back up to do heel stretches, arm-strongs, and scorpions. It looked really cool... and then I felt my leg stretch in an arm strong really far to the point where it was straight. Your leg really isn't supposed to do that... Well after the song, someone who stood behind me told me it looked really cool. I tried to do it again straight, and it just wasn't working! Wow. 

Okay for all you who aren't familiar with cheerleading moves... here's some random pictures to give you an idea:

A scorpian

A heel stretch

I couldn't find any pictures of an armstrong (well that's what WE call it...)
But it's basically holding one foot in the crook of your elbow (then moved into your hand) and the other arm is making a muscle or something like that. It's almost like a scale....

Well anyway, we've got our second show tonight and then our cast party! I hope I won't mess up too badly this time...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Possum Stew!

...Or not... 

Today, while helping my dad take out some water to our chicken coops, a whole chain of events took place started by the simple "uh oh." After a few thoughts rushed through my mind of what that possibly could be, my dad goes on with "We got trouble." Well this certainly isn't the first time we've "had trouble." I was thinking either a. dead chicken, b. broken eggs, or c. some sort of predator. Well when in doubt, always guess C seemed to apply to this situation! When asked to "Go get a shovel" I proceeded to run to the house, grab my camera and then get a shovel. Exciting things need to be documented right? Here's a mugshot of the perpetrator(s):

Well, clearly they weren't TOTALLY dangerous: 

Until.... well um let's just say shovels do appear to be potentially threatening especially when um jabbed in your face... I chose NOT to watch and proceeded to take pictures of the girls (and boy) as they ran out side, very frightened! 

After the possums were all "taken care of" we went back inside. My mom then asked us why we didn't make possum stew out of them... well mom, I'm going to let you figure that one out by yourself.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sweet treat photos!

Went to a double baptism party today for my twin cousins. They had some very delicious cupcakes and cookies! Here's a photos I took of the sweets:


Saturday, January 15, 2011

A few photos of the girls... and photo-bombing rooster!

Only egg of the day!

He's quite the big guy compared to his girls!

It's blurry, but I thought it was a funny one!

Very cool despite the wire in his mouth!

Ms. Norah is quite the photogenist! 

Love Aubree's eyes 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Missing some of my girls!

Living on a 'farm' means you gotta do what you gotta do. For us that meant we have to free up some of our limited space. We've had to do that quite often though. We don't abuse the chickens or anything, it's just life. They get old and stop laying. I was looking at some hatcheries online and saw something about the personality of a silver laced wyandotte. I started cracking up when I saw "Generally outgoing with a tendency towards domination." I used to have two of those. They were extremely sweet, and very social. Their names were Lily (short for Lillian) and Skye. The description was an exact match. Don't have any pictures of them on the computer, but here's a picture from the internet of one.
Really missing having this breed around!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year (a little late!)

Well Happy New Year to everyone! I know I'm a little late. I've been pretty busy sitting around enjoying break! Well of course new years morning, ALL the snow melted! I mean all maybe 8 inches of it! The temperature had shot up to 45 degrees (Fahrenheit)! This morning it was nice to wake up to a winter wonderland... sort of. Well everything was coated in white, but definitely not enough to go sledding or build a snowman! Darn.Well my little chicas we're getting excited about the warm weather and no snow! They wanted to run around the yard.. well sorry ladies, it's back inside for you guys!

Today is my last day of break before school! Not really too  excited to be starting a new semester... especially since we have pretty much no idea what our classes are! Seriously school?

Monday, December 27, 2010

Check out my new blog!

No, my blog isn't moving... but all of the art projects on here are! Check it out at Chica es Artistica! I'm in process of moving all my crafts over to there...  but I'm not quite done yet! So now all my mindless rantings about my gorgeous, semi-sweet, slightly bald, tad bit sticky chickens will be here!

Over there I'll put on some links, tips, and home made directions for simple, mostly recycled projects! And I'll also post some updates about my crazy attempts at projects like my little red to feisty pirate costume transformation

or my thoughts on how to upcycle and change up an old, sorry mom, but really ugly hand-me-down dress from my mother!